Adopt the YUIN Declaration in your Community
The Yuin Declaration for Kangaroos offers us a formal statement into the long term connection, lore and respect the Yuin nation have for Australia's iconic animals. This unique declaration contains a series of principles and rights for kangaroos that every council in Australia should adopt. By adopting the Yuin Declaration for Kangaroos in your community we can begin to respect the sovereign rights of kangaroos on the Australian landscape. Your community can adopt this declaration or adapt it to reflect your own cultural values. Please read the protocol letter for declaration use.
First Nations Australians are advised that this page contains images or names of people now deceased.
The YUIN Declaration for Kangaroos
Click image to download the pdf
Kangaroo image: Kellie Underwood Photography
Yuin Declaration for Kangaroos
World Kangaroo Day October 24th
Article 1
The kangaroo has inhabited the Australian continent for over 20 million years, living in peace and ecological harmony. The kangaroo co-exits today as they have for millenniums, in balance with the flora, fauna and livings being of this land. This ancient iconic native animal, therefore claims sovereign rights above and beyond any human claims of dominion over them. Today we declare, from this day forward, all kangaroos shall be justly protected from all harms caused by human abuse and exploitation. We vow to hold governments and their citizenry accountable for any breaches of this sovereignty.
Article 2.Kangaroos are intelligent, sentient beings, living in family groups and have their own songlines, language, culture and dreaming. As they traverse their own dreaming tracks they continue to activate the earths songlines for the survival of all living things. We declare kangaroos have the right to live in safety, roam freely and travel uninterrupted through their ancient songlines.
Article 3.We recognize that kangaroos continue to be a sacred totem for First Nation People. From navigating as the geographical compass, food source, companion and friend, providing warmth and implements, kangaroo is central to ceremony. For over 80,000 years this sentient being continues to be entwined and interwoven with indigenous totemic lore. We declare that there exists a living ancestral relationship, uniquely bound between indigenous Australians and kangaroos, which shall be preserved historically, spiritually, culturally and environmentally for all times.
Article 4.Kangaroos have been acknowledged as the symbol for colonised Australia since 1773. They are observed on the Coat of Arms, and have become the central national icon. The kangaroos abounding power, majestic movement, and soft and gentle elegance has given this landscape its unique character.We recognise and honour the stately demeanor of the kangaroo, which embodies and represents the nations’ icon. We vow to revere and respect these profound qualities which enrich all lives with imagination, beauty and identity uniquely Australian.
Article 5.We are beholden to protect and care for our unique native kangaroos as part of the Australian Family of all living beings. Therefore we declare the kangaroo as oneof our national treasures.
Article 6.We recognize that kangaroos are protected by law across both Federal and State jurisdictions. No exemptions to these laws are justified. Kangaroos shall not be sold or subjected to any inhumane, cruel or degrading treatment. Any harm to kangaroos shall be recognized as a criminal action and dealt with accordingly.
Article 7.As humane beings, sharing the kangaroos dreaming tracks and environment, we have a duty of care and obligation to canonize WORLD KANGAROO DAY for the kangaroo our Australian national treasure.
Uncle Max Dulumunmun Harrison. Yuin ElderDate of Issue: 24/10/2021
The YUIN Declaration Protocol Letter
Click letter to download as pdf
Declaration Ceremony 24 October 2021
Photos by Peter Sharp

Message Stick Ceremony 20 October 2022
Under the Tree of Knowledge outside NSW Parliament, The Yuin community presented a Kangaroo Message Stick calling for the protection of kangaroos to the members of the NSW Government(Mark Pearson MLC, Sue Higginson MLC, Emma Hurst MLC, Alex Greenwich MLC, Fred Nile MLC).