Make your Local Area Kangaroo Friendly
Elphinstone Primary School, Victoria
Yuin Ceremony
We have created a 'How to Guide' to help make your Local Government Area more Kangaroo friendly. Become a driving force for kangaroos and many others will ‘hop' on board to help. Our Number One Tip is to invite local politicians and media to kangaroo events as this builds a rapport that create changes. History shows how local action is an important stepping stone for state and federal protection.
Connecting your local community to their kangaroos creates a cultural shift. More community members begin to appreciate, protect and celebrate their local kangaroo mobs.
1. Build Kangaroo Community
Mornington Peninsula Forum
Partner with First Nations
Invite Local Media
Work with Council/Councillors/politicians/officers
Get involved with Wildlife Rescue Organisations (how can you help them?)
Offer expertise at Schools (activities, talks, citizen science projects)
Create kangaroo public art with local Artists
Align with Community Groups
Talk kangaroos needs with Conservation and Sustainability Groups
Share kangaroo welfare concerns Animal Welfare Groups
Hold kangaroo events at Library and Community Centres (events, screenings, themes)
Coexistence Learn Practical ways to make your area Kangaroo Friendly and teach others.
Adopt the Yuin Kangaroo Declaration with your First Nations Community
Run Kangaroo Walks and Talks with your First Nations Community (invite Councillors)
Hold Kangaroo Movie Screenings (invite Councillors)
Engage the Local Media (eg Write Letters to the Editor, share stories, invite to events)
Hold a Kangaroo/Wildlife Protection Forum invite council, first nations etc
Give a Presentation to Local Council (eg How commercial shooting effects the community: Wildlife and Ecosystems, Health and Safety, Commercial Impact, Tourism, Culture, Coexistence)
Approach Council about a Local Government Kangaroo Protection Plan
Citizen Science (kangaroo behaviours, mob structure and numbers, diets, songlines-tracks)
Data Collection (kangaroo counts, rescue number, commercial shooting numbers)
Celebrations and Events especially on World Kangaroo Day (eg art projects, shelter fundraiser etc)
Give Presentations at local schools and community groups
Protest/Boycott businesses that sell kangaroo body parts, hand out Not Petfood and other flyers
Kangaroo Friendly Fencing (build and educate property owners eg swing gates, no barbwire or exclusion fencing)
Road Safety (put up signs, make car rescue kits)
Encourage Education Programs either online or in schools eg ATOM Kangaroo A Love-Hate Story or Mr Boo Roo Rangers.
Collect and Rebut negative comments about kangaroos. eg they are not pests they are slow reproducing mammals.
Apply for Grants for your work (eg Vic Roads Grant for signage, virtual fencing, training rescuers on road safety and equipment)
Freedom of Information Requests at different levels of government eg Department of Environment to make them accountable. eg How many times have you inspected the licences of kangaroos shooters in the ____ Shire? How many times have you inspected commercial kangaroo shooting at the the point of kill to determine accurate shooting? How many kangaroos where shot and which locations in the ____ shire on the 9 July?
Report Illegal Activity eg The shooter has a NSW number plate. Does he have a Victoria shooting licence, Is the department upholding their claims. How can you make them accountable?
Submissions Submit to Government enquiries and requests for Public Comment
Meeting Minutes Have questions or notes recorded in meeting minutes for reference of accountability later.
Petitions Create a petition to show community support and raise awareness.
Local Treaties Is your area part of any treaties eg UNESCO Biosphere that are being breached?
Notice of Motion Work with a local councillor to introduce and pass a Notice of Motion to protect kangaroos.
Citizen science
Example of current Council Macropod Plans