Spotlight on Kangaroos: National Survey Report
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Kangaroos Alive. (2023). Spotlight on Kangaroos: National Survey Report.
Available on https://www.kangaroosalive.org/surveyreport
A nationally representative survey was conducted in September 2023 by independent global data and insights organization Pureprofile on the attitudes and beliefs of Australians about kangaroos and the commercial killing of kangaroos.
Perceptions of kangaroos
Most Australians describe kangaroos as their national icon (83%) and as native wildlife (77%). Only a small minority (10%) of Australians see kangaroos as a pest. Despite the fact that the commercial kangaroo industry takes place their backyard, Australians appear to know relatively little about how it operates. This is indicated by the high percentage that has never heard of the Code of Practice (73%).
Animal welfare
Australians find it unacceptable that there is no monitoring at the point of kill (69%) and that many kangaroos are mis-shot (71%). They think it is unacceptable to kill joeys as part of a commercial industry (76%) and do not support the current prescribed methods to kill joeys as a humane practice (75%). Most Australians think the commercial killing of kangaroos causes unnecessary animal cruelty and suffering (69%), is inhumane (63%) and poses an animal welfare crisis (61%).
Recognizing their ecological value, Australians find it important to protect kangaroos in order to protect the wider Australian ecosystems (98%) and agree the commercial killing should stop at least until we have reliable population estimates (70%) and know more about the effect of climate change on kangaroo populations (67%). In addition, 78% of Australians agree that the methods used to estimate kangaroo populations should be made publicly available to allow independent scientific peer review.
Public health, safety and food hygiene
Only 2% of Australians regularly eat kangaroo meat. Australians think kangaroo meat is of poor hygiene (72%) and are therefore unlikely to eat it (68%). The majority of Australians (57%) are concerned about the emergence of zoonotic diseases in the context of commercial industries working with wildlife.
Indigenous Australians
Kangaroos continue to be a sacred totem for Indigenous Australians. The majority of Australians (53%) agree that the government should undertake genuine consultation with Indigenous Australians and consider their perspectives before continuing the commercial killing of kangaroos, while 17% disagrees.
Coexisting with kangaroos
A striking majority of Australians want kangaroos to remain part of the Australian landscape (90%) and think we should share the land with them (88%). Australians feel kangaroos deserve a fair share of grazing on their native land (80%) and support switching to non-lethal coexistence practices (69%). Over three-quarters of Australians (78%) think it is important to examine the potential economic benefits of kangaroo ecotourism versus the benefits of the commercial killing of kangaroos.
Wildlife Trade
Two-thirds of Australians want other countries (67%) and commercial companies (64%) to stop trading in kangaroo products and think Australia should take a stance against the commercial killing of kangaroos (64%). Australians think federal (64%) and state government (56%) and ecologists, scientists and other experts (40%) should be responsible for the protection and management of wildlife.
The commercial kangaroo industry lacks a social license to operate, as the majority of Australians want the commercial killing of kangaroos to end. Commercial companies and governments worldwide that don’t stop the use of and trade in kangaroo products can expect to be met with continued and increasing public pressure. The findings of this survey highlight the urgent need for governments, policymakers, commercial companies and consumers worldwide to end their support of the commercial killing of kangaroos.
Australian Federal and State governments are urged to impose a moratorium on the commercial killing of kangaroos. In addition, Australian Governments are strongly recommended to extensively and genuinely consult with Indigenous Australians about the spiritual and cultural impact that commercial killing of kangaroos has on them. Furthermore, the Australian Government is called upon to undertake an urgent review of the methodologies used to estimate kangaroo populations and make the methods publicly available for peer review.
The Australian Federal government, State Governments and Regional Councils are called upon to support and work with Australian farmers and landholders and invest in the development of non-lethal methods to coexisting with and protect Australian wildlife, including kangaroos.
Nations and governments worldwide are called upon to ban the importation and trade of kangaroo products. Commercial companies are urged to end their use of kangaroo skins and meats and switch to non-animal-based alternatives. Consumers are encouraged to avoid purchasing kangaroo products.