KA Media


The ‘Media’ page contains links to all the media packages that Kangaroos Alive produces. This includes the films, the press releases, the submissions, the open letters, the blogs and the newsletters.

For information about the main media packages available from Kangaroos Alive are found below…

  • the moving and poignant film about the effect of the 2019 fires on our wildlife including our kangaroos - ‘The Fires

  • the TV series on changing human eating habits to ensure the survival of all life on this planet - ‘Eating Plants

  • the press releases from KA; its activities, events and campaigns

  • the open letters from KA & associates; to politicians, the public, special interest groups, organisations and multinational & other companies

  • submissions to Government and other Inquiries & Investigations

  • KA Newsletters

Films and TV

A family


Kangaroos - A Love-Hate Story. (2017). [DVD]. Kate McIntyre Clere and Mick McIntyre

This groundbreaking film reveals the truth surrounding Australia’s love-hate relationship with its beloved icon. The kangaroo image is proudly used by top companies, sports teams and as tourist souvenirs, yet when they hop across the vast continent some consider them to be pests to be shot and sold for profit. KANGAROO unpacks a national paradigm where the relationship with kangaroos is examined.

Using investigative techniques such as interviews, citizen footage, and research, Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story shows how the kangaroo meat industry and the Australian government put profits ahead of animal welfare, native species protection and the environment. In addition, farmers, who are guided by misinformation and profit, take whatever steps they deem necessary to eradicate the species.

See KA web page Kangaroo Movie OR go to the movie website https://kangaroothemovie.com


The Fires (2019/2020) Kate McIntyre Clere and Mick McIntyre

An incredible true story of a fire tornado that ripped through a kangaroo sanctuary, burning everything in it’s path. Featuring eyewitness video taken by Sanctuary owner Rae Harvey who lost everything in the fire. This award-winning short film tells the story of her determination to rebuild and continue her work rescuing and protecting kangaroos.

See KA web page The Fires OR go to the you-tube video The Fires you-tube video


Eating Plants (2022) Kate McIntyre Clere and Mick McIntyre


Filmed in an exciting mix of popular vegan countries, EATING PLANTS introduces the entrepreneurs who are creating plant alternatives such as diary-free cheese, animal-free meat, fish-free tuna and how these products are pushing their predecessors off the supermarket shelves.

Packed with lessons from doctors, athletes and chefs leading the movement, creating change for cooking, health and for the planet.

The first of its kind, this spicy travelogue will bring the tips and benefits of a vegan diet into homes across the globe.

See KA web page Eating Plants OR go to the TV series website https://www.eatingplants.tv/

Press Releases

Press Release October 2023

What do Australians think about kangaroos ?

This was a question asked by a member of the European parliament during a debate in 2022 on a proposed bill to ban the imports of kangaroo products into the EU.

The EU is the largest importer of kangaroo meat and skins obtained by the commercial killing of Australia’s wild kangaroos

As a result of this question from the EU parliament in Brussels, KANGAROOS ALIVE commissioned Pure Profile to undertake an independent survey on Australia’s attitudes towards kangaroos.

New survey results released for World Kangaroo Day

(Click image to read full release)

Press Release October 2021

The final report from the ‘2021 NSW Senate Inquiry into the Health and Well-being of Kangaroos and Macropods’ was released on October 15th 2021.

The NSW Environment Minister, Matt Kean, had already signed off on the next five year ‘Kangaroo Management Plan or KMP’ (to keep killing NSW kangaroos at a rate of 6000 a night) on 23rd September 2021 - before the senate report came out.

It was then up to the former federal environment minister, Sussan Ley, to assess the KMP with reference to the Senate Report findings and reject the NSW KMP as untenable but she approved the NSW KMP on 24th December 2021. Her party was out of office and she was no longer Environment Minister in March 2022.

Mick McIntyre of Kangaroos Alive gave the following press release when the Senate Report was released …


Open Letters

Kangaroos Alive OPEN LETTERS


Kangaroos: A Love Hate Story OPEN LETTER from Scientists and Ecologists

When the World acclaimed film, Kangaroos: A Love Hate Story, came out in February 2017; it inspired a number of experts researchers, scientists and ecologists to write a letter to the public. You can download this open letter in pdf format here or read the transcript below …


Kangaroos Alive OPEN LETTER to Pet-barn and other pet food suppliers

When Kangaroos Alive’s campaign, “Don’t feed you pets Kangaroos”, started, we made this OPEN LETTER to the CEO of Pet-barn available for the public to download, edit and send it to pet food suppliers. You can download this open letter in pdf format here or read the transcript below …


Kangaroos Alive OPEN LETTER to Vets & Vet clinics

When Kangaroos Alive’s campaign, “Don’t feed you pets Kangaroos”, started, we made this OPEN LETTER to the Vets available for the public to download, edit and send to vet clinics. You can download this open letter in pdf format here or read the transcript below …


Kangaroos Alive OPEN LETTER to the previous Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley

When the final report from the 2021 NSW Senate Inquiry into the health and well-fare of kangaroos and macropods came out , we made this OPEN LETTER to the then Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley available for the public to download and send to the Minister. You can download this open letter in pdf format here or read the transcript below. Minister Ley ignored our requests and signed off on the NSW DPIE Kangaroo Management Plan on Christmas Eve 2021. On the 21st May 2022, the Minister lost her post and her party was no longer in government.

Of Special Interest