Many pet owners and pet food suppliers are unaware of where kangaroo meat comes from and the cruelty that occurs during the commercial killing of kangaroos. We know pet owners love animals and we are sure they would not continue to feed kangaroo meat to their pets if they knew the details of this cruel industry.
Read more about this mindless extermination of our kangaroos for profit in this article “Feeding Kangaroo to your pets … here are some thoughts”
We need to let people know ‘Our wildlife is not for sale’.
Below is a letter to the CEO of Petbarn from Kangaroos Alive. Please feel free to download it here then you can copy and paste our letter and send your own to any pet food companies and suppliers.
We have also included the flyer (Don’t feed your pets Kangaroo). You can print out and give to pet owners, put up at your local dog park or veterinary clinic. Please consider the environment when displaying flyers.
You can also download this Do not support kangaroo in pet food letter to send to your local vet
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