World Kangaroo Day
World Kangaroo Day
on 24th October
Australian cricket champion Jason ‘Dizzy’ Gillespie is proud to be the Ambassador for World Kangaroo Day on October 24th
I’m Jason Gillespie. I’m a proud Kamilario man and ambassador for World Kangaroo Day.
On October 24th, please join me in celebrating our magnificent national icon. A native species that belongs to our land and deserves our love and respect. I’m incredibly disappointed about how our national icon, that is on our nation’s coat of arms, is treated and believe it’s time to stand up and show the world we care about the protection of our beloved wildlife.
On World Kangaroo Day tell our governments to stop the commercial killing of Kangaroos for pet food, shoes and handbags. It’s time to shift our thinking, and change the way we treat kangaroos.
Let’s join together and celebrate how important kangaroos are to Australian culture, the economic value they bring to tourism and the joy they bring to many people all around the world.
We look forward to sharing World Kangaroo Day with you all on October 24th.
Head to to find out more
World Kangaroo Day (WKD) Activities
24th October 2022
What is happening on World Kangaroo Day …
KA has a number of activities, information and tools to help you to help kangaroos
Road Rescue Kits
Photo Competition
Screenings of the movie ‘Kangaroos: A Love-Hate Story’
Kangaroo Road Rescue KITS
Driving around Australia is the perfect way to see the amazing wildlife and habitat still living on this ancient land. Kangaroos have been evolving on the Australian continent for over 20 million years. The Yuin Declaration in 2021 declared
“Kangaroos are intelligent, sentient beings, living in family groups and have their own songlines, language, culture and dreaming. As they traverse their own dreaming tracks they continue to activate the earths song lines for the survival of all living things. Kangaroos have the right to live in safety, roam freely and travel uninterrupted through their ancient songlines.”
Particularly at DUSK AND DAWN, kangaroos are active and often crossing roads. As drivers we must pay particular attention and DRIVE SLOWLY to allow them space. Unfortunately kangaroos do get hit by vehicles - maiming or killing the animals.
For World Kangaroo Day, Redbox Wildlife Shelter and Kangaroos Alive and have joined forces to create a special Kangaroo Road Rescue Kit. If you hit a kangaroo with your car or see a kangaroo has been hit - please stop and check out the animal’s welfare and look for any joeys that may still be alive. Call a local wildlife rescuer for advice.
Build your own kit Kangaroo Road Rescue Kit for your car.
Or we are happy to send you a kit in Australia. Please email with your name and mailing address
Watch this video to see a joey rescue. (coming soon)
For additional Joey Rescue Information